
墨西哥流浪乐队Estelares de Colorado All-State Youth Ensemble Logo


墨西哥流浪乐队Estelares de Colorado 2023集体摆拍
2023年的科罗拉多流浪乐队 at the 西南墨西哥流浪乐队音乐节万岁 in September 2023.

现在是2024年奥运会的海选 墨西哥流浪乐队Estelares de Colorado科罗拉多州的全美青年墨西哥流浪乐队! Thirteen exceptional students will be selected to work with Mariachi Maestro Dr. 洛伦佐特鲁希略 in learning and mastering advanced Mariachi musical scores, and will have the special opportunity to perform and open for the headlining act at the 西南墨西哥流浪乐队音乐节万岁 concert 2024年9月.

2023年 墨西哥流浪乐队Estelares de Colorado 在博尼塔之家首演, and opened for Latin-Grammy-winning group Flor de Toloache at Levitt Pavilion in 丹佛. Watch them perform the National Anthem at the 丹佛 Nuggets game on March 29, 2024!

在本文中了解更多关于该组的信息 丹佛邮报》.


资格: Students must be in the 9th Grade through 本科 level. Students must play a traditional Mariachi instrument and sing. Students must provide the contact information for one reference from their school, 不管是墨西哥流浪乐队的指挥, 乐队或管弦乐队指挥, 老师, 或主体.

仪器: We are accepting auditions for violin, trumpet, harp, guitarron, guitarra and vihuela.

面试要求: Fill out the audition application and submit a 3-minute video performing excerpts of two Mariachi pieces; the first displaying your instrument, 第二个是独唱. 详情如下.

选择过程: 试听分数被汇总并输入数据库. The score formula is then applied to the scores generating a list of students ranked by instrument and score. The All-State Mariachi group will be made of 13 students: 6 violins, 3号, 1 guitarron, 1 vihuela, 1把吉他和1把竖琴(可选). 入选的参与者将于4月通过电子邮件通知, and are expected to attend the 西南流浪乐队大会万岁 event April 19-20, 2024年公布.

If you would like to recommend a candidate to audition in-person at the conference, please email Dr. 洛伦佐一. 特鲁希略((电子邮件保护)) in advance of the conference to arrange a time for the audition.



To audition, please submit a video-recording of yourself playing excerpts from two Mariachi pieces. The first performance must be an instrument solo, and the second must be a vocal solo. Specific requirements for each performance are listed below, 评委们将使用这些标准进行选择. 评委会给你的试音打40%的乐器独奏, 35%独唱, and 25% Performance and the ability to bring the songs to life (this includes your ability to show creativity, 阶段的存在, 信心, 和讲故事).



  • 用你的乐器演奏30秒到1分钟的独奏
  • You must submit with a metronome as your accompaniment set at your desired bpm
  • Please disclose the tempo you are setting and what published piece of Mariachi music you will be playing

Submissions will be judged on the following criteria for the instrument solo:

  • 技巧(乐器知识,合适的风格)
  • 速度(音符和节奏的准确性)
  • 音乐性(动态、重音等.)



  • 请将独奏时间限制在2分钟以内
  • 学生必须从“已出版的音乐来源”中独唱一曲。
  • Students singing inappropriate literature will receive a score of zero for the solo
  • Submissions must be recorded using a live or pre-recorded guitar or Mariachi group accompaniment
  • 用键盘提交的作品, 合成工具, 电脑音乐, or other non-traditional Mariachi accompaniment will be disqualified
  • 需要熟记

Submissions will be judged on the following criteria for the vocal solo:

  • Tone Quality / Technique (tone, breath support, vowels, appropriate style)
  • 语调(唱腔)
  • 准确性(音符和节奏的准确性)
  • Diction (text clarity, accurate pronunciation of the Spanish)
  • Musicality (dynamics, sensitivity to text, articulation to convey appropriate meaning)



Lupita Infante在粉色和紫色的舞台上表演学生选择参加 墨西哥流浪乐队Estelares de Colorado are expected to memorize and sing all literature designated by the musical assignment, 参加所有的排练和音乐会, 并按照验收书上列出的规则操作. Attendance for all rehearsals and concert performances are mandatory. Participants can expect to perform as the opening act for a major headliner at the 西南墨西哥流浪乐队音乐节万岁 2024年9月. In 2023 the all-state group opened for Grammy-nominated group Flor de Toloache, and in 2022 the all-state group opened for Grammy-winning Mariachi superstar Lupita Infante during the 西南墨西哥流浪乐队音乐节万岁 at the Levitt Pavilion in 丹佛!

The All-State Schedule will be determined once the 西南墨西哥流浪乐队音乐节万岁 is announced. Students will be required to commit to two Saturday rehearsals from 9am-1pm and two Saturday rehearsals from 9am-4pm in 丹佛 leading up to opening for the headliner at the festival 2024年9月. 将发放汽油津贴, with priority given to members that live outside the 丹佛 Metro Area.



不管你去不去试镜, we highly encourage all students of Mariachi to attend our annual 西南流浪乐队大会万岁 2024年4月19日至20日,并伴随 西南墨西哥流浪乐队音乐节万岁 2024年9月!

Workshops are available for all skill levels of traditional Mariachi instruments, 还有讲座, 针对, and a spectacular showcase concert featuring regional student Mariachi groups.



丹佛,CO 80204




Dr. 洛伦佐特鲁希略
